Key measures to be implemented:
1. Establishment of Rare Disease Expert Centers:** These centers will be created in additional provinces, with a focus on providing healthcare services specifically for patients with rare diseases.
2. Development of New Centers:** The Council for Rare Diseases will set the conditions for establishing new centers across the country.
3. Enhanced Laboratories and Diagnostic Access:** Laboratories will be upgraded, and access to diagnostic tests used in the diagnosis and treatment of rare diseases will be improved.
4. Review of Guaranteed Services:** By December 31, 2024, analyses will be conducted to update the list of guaranteed services and determine the funding methods for genetic tests.
5. Funding for Non-Genetic Specialized Tests:** The funding methods for highly specialized non-genetic laboratory tests used in the diagnosis and monitoring of rare diseases will be reviewed. Based on these analyses, guaranteed services in this area will be updated by March 31, 2025.
6. Quality Control of Genomic Testing Laboratories:** Quality control measures will be implemented for laboratories conducting large-scale genomic testing used in the genetic diagnosis of rare diseases.
7. Improved Access to Modern Medical Equipment and Medications:** Access to modern medical equipment, medications, and special nutritional products for rare diseases will be enhanced, along with improvements to the infrastructure of healthcare facilities.
8. Quarterly Updates on Reimbursed Medications:** The Minister of Health will update the list of medications reimbursed by the National Health Fund every quarter, including new drugs for rare diseases.
9. Data Collection and Patient Monitoring:** Data will be collected for the Polish Rare Disease Registry, and a Rare Disease Patient Card will be created. These elements are essential for monitoring processes related to medical care.
10. These initiatives are part of a comprehensive plan to address the needs of patients with rare diseases and improve their access to quality healthcare and treatment options in Poland.
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