“I recently attended a meeting with the Commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), who focused mainly on the lack of experts’ ability to influence public opinion. A significant drop in trust has resulted in the public’s views being shaped by individuals who can reach the largest audience, rather than experts with scientific evidence. This is something we must take into account in our actions.
However, I want to draw your attention to the great expectations the European cardiology community has for Poland. All of Europe is watching the National Cardiovascular Disease Program, which is one of the first being implemented in Poland. Moreover, there are high hopes for the Polish presidency and its role in setting priorities for national healthcare, public health, and digital transformation. These priorities are of fundamental importance, and we are eagerly anticipating the results.”
Prof. Piotr Szymański, MD, PhD, is the Chair of the Regulatory Affairs Committee of the European Society of Cardiology and Head of the Clinical Cardiology and Rare Cardiovascular Diseases Center at CSK MSWiA in Warsaw. He shared his insights during the recent conference, “The Road to the Presidency: Prevention and Public Health in the Polish EU Council Presidency Program,” attended by over 40 specialists.
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