“We are ambitious enough to attempt an analysis and exchange of experiences among EU countries regarding the assessment of prevention effectiveness (…) We would like to review EU programs to assess which instruments truly work (…) Prevention involves education, but also the availability of solutions — both actual and economic — and we will address these topics during our presidency,” Katarzyna Kacperczyk said during the conference “The Road to the Presidency: Prevention and Public Health in the Program of the Polish Presidency of the EU Council,” organized by the Institute for the Development of Social Affairs.
“We have also agreed with the European Commission and the Member States that, in the context of threats posed by cancer and cardiovascular diseases, the first meeting of the EU Council will include a discussion on revising the Tobacco Directive (…) Although the work will not begin during our presidency, as it is quite a complex issue.”
Katarzyna Kacperczyk noted that during the Polish Presidency of the EU Council, the implementation of the legislative package concerning the European Health Data Space will take place. “This is a particularly important moment because the institutional architecture of this system will be shaped at both the national and EU levels. We have extensive experience in the area of digitization, and we are ambitious to present it.”
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