During discussion on the state of mental health among children and adolescents, the question was raised whether Poland is making the mistake of overly “psychiatrizing” problems. This issue was addressed, among others, by Prof. Dr. hab. n. med. Tomasz Wolańczyk, Head of the Developmental Psychiatry Clinic at the Medical University of Warsaw and the Clinical Department of Developmental Psychiatry at UCK WUM. He referred to the number of psychiatrists in Poland, pointing out that their shortage is not the only problem within the system.
“In Poland, we have one psychiatrist per 12,000 children, which fulfills the World Health Organization’s requirements. This is precisely the recommended figure, yet we still see enormous waiting lists. The reform was introduced to somewhat ‘de-psychiatrize’ excessive problems. We are depriving children and adolescents of help because, if a teenage patient sees a psychiatrist, they usually get medication. However, they do not receive community support or family support, and thus become defined as a patient,” said Prof. Wolańczyk.
The issue of involving psychiatric care too early was also raised by Prof. Dr. hab. n. med. Teresa Jackowska, President of the Polish Pediatric Society. “We want to treat tooth decay by extracting teeth. Yet, we must treat tooth decay through prevention, which Poland lacks. Psychiatric care is the final stage of intervention, the end of the line. We should identify children who do not require psychiatric help but do need a conversation—conversations with peers, at school, and with teachers. Prevention lies in peer relationships and family relationships.”
The discussion took place during the conference “The Road to the Presidency: Child and Adolescent Psychiatry,” held on October 30, 2024, at the Medical University of Warsaw. The meeting, during which leading Polish medical experts as well as representatives of public institutions and NGOs discussed child and adolescent psychiatry in the context of Poland’s upcoming presidency of the Council of the European Union, was organized by the Institute for the Development of Social Affairs (IRSS) and the Medical Center of the Medical University of Warsaw.
Funded by the National Institute of Freedom – Center for Civil Society Development under the Citizens’ Initiatives Fund NOWEFIO for the years 2021-2030
#PresidencyEU2025 #CouncilEU #MentalHealth #ChildPsychiatry #PublicHealth #EuropeanUnion #Healthcare #Poland